Impact Of Product Packaging On Sales & Profit
Did you know about these advantages that packaging can provide or are you still unaware?
What happens when you visit a supermarket and find a beautiful box full of chocolates put in point of purchase section? It will attract you, right? You would pick it and would want to purchase it as packaging is something that attracted you at first and urged you to buy the product. That is how impactful packaging can become in sales and profit.
For instance, the packaging done by Havmore, an ice cream brand, encourages people to buy by playfully entering to their conscience that the quality of the packaging is supreme so the quality of the ice cream will be satisfactory too. Hence, their qualitative packaging has made them one of the leading ice creams manufactures in India.
On the other hand, Cadbury’s celebration packs are often sold due to its packaging as it provides all types of chocolates that Cadbury produces in one package. Also, the laminated box builds the trust that the package is untouched. This is an effective packaging strategy Cadbury use to make good sales.
So, you see the importance that packaging holds? Now, let’s look at the advantages that you must know in order to boost sales that packaging can provide
Creates the first impression
Effective packaging is the first thing that grabs the attention of the customer. It mixes with the subconscious mind of the buyers and spurs them to pay for it. A report suggests that almost 30% of sales increased with qualitative packaging.
Every third reason to buy a product depends on packaging
One out of every third reason behind purchasing a product is because of its packaging. The choice of colours, the use of quality materials and how easily it can be carried in something that lets the customer decide easily which one to buy. The ultimate making of the decision to buy boosts sales.
Builds brand image
Proper and strategic packaging helps the company with increasing brand value and benefits the entire
products produced by the brand. This increasing brand image builds trust in the customers which result in making profitable sales.
Invites new customers
Maintaining a proper bond with the customers in order to get long term business is made easy if the packaging is designed in a manner that it never loses the interest of its existing customers. This bond created with them is benefited in such a manner that it invites new customers that bring more sales. Therefore, one can easily make an impression of how impactful a packaging is considering the points above. Good product packaging will help the company’s boosts sales in various ways. Prioritizing packaging is an effective way to increase sales as it comes with multiple advantages like mentioned.